Running 22 Marathons in 22 days in the BC Fires

with Sachin Latti and Julia Shelley

In this episode on the Canadian Podcast, Zak sits down to chat with Sachin and Julia as they had just finished the half way mark on the 22 marathons in 22 days journey.

Cheer them on through sharing and engaging online and on social media.

Sachin Latti Instagram:…

Julia Shelley Instagram:

Support their awareness cause for the honour house ranch:…

🌟 Honour Ranch: A Place of Healing and Growth 🌟
Situated on 120 acres of serene rolling hills, overlooking the picturesque South Thompson River, Honour Ranch is destined to become a haven of hope and transformation. This tranquil retreat will offer a much-needed space for our Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel, and their families to find solace and healing.

The Mission: Empowering Our Heroes 💪
At Honour Ranch, our brave heroes will have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge strategies for the treatment of operational stress injuries, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Our mission is to empower these selfless individuals, providing them with the tools and support they need to navigate the challenges of their noble service.

Restoration and Generosity 🤝
Over the course of nearly a year, dedicated volunteers and local tradespeople have come together to restore and update the property’s 10 private cabins and family-style lodge. Just like Honour House, Honour Ranch has been blessed with generous donations in both materials and cash from numerous sources.

A Platform for Healing 🌿
Honour Ranch will serve as a much-needed platform for mental health experts and specialists to deliver a diverse range of supportive programming. Equine therapy, music, meditative practices, and movement will all play integral roles in the healing journey. Our commitment is to ensure that all workshops and retreats hosted at Honour Ranch are led by organizations with established infrastructures, providing participants with ongoing support once they return home.

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    Your Support Matters 🤝
    Just like Honour House, Honour Ranch receives no direct funding and relies solely on donations and fundraising efforts to cover its operating costs. Your generous contributions will allow our courageous men and women in uniform to access these life-changing programs at absolutely no cost.

    🌟 Join Sachin on This Empowering Journey 🌟
    Together, we can make a difference! Join Sachin Latti and the Honour Ranch community as they strive to create a brighter future for our Canadian veterans and those struggling with mental health challenges.

    Click the link below to learn more on how you can help support Sachin’s 22 marathons in 22 days for the honour house ranch in Ashcroft, British Columbia.…

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